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Selectmen Minutes 11/15/2010
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
November 16, 2010

Members present:  Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Michele Plunkett, Jim Plunkett, Barbara Frangione, Alan Mayville, John Martell, Pat Clarke, Kris Cole, Donna Chagnon, Thomas Houle, Ed Millette, Amy Troy

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Department Heads

Police:  Chief Clarke introduced our new officer, John Adinolfo.  Chief Clarke also reported that our insurance company has elected to fix the cruiser that was damaged during an accident.  

Building:  John Freeman reported an application for an elderly housing unit has been submitted.  The Selectmen would like the zoning regulations stipulated on the permit.
John was asked to give an opinion as to issuing a permit for the Stevens property on Davis Road.  He said he could not issue the permit with our zoning.  Reference Zoning Ordinance 3.11.

Fire:   Deputy Chief Millette and Lieutenant Cole reported for Fire.  The leak on Engine 2 has been repaired.  The light tower on Rescue 2 needs repair.  7 members completed recertification last week.  7 members attended a live burn in Allenstown.  The Diesel tank is at the Town Shed (thanks to Jim Plunkett for his work on that).   Acting Chief Quimby has spoken to the Fire Station neighbor regarding her concerns.  She seemed satisfied with the conversation.  Pat Clarke said that someone from Rymes was out to check for a propane leak.  Ed Millette will follow-up.  Lieutenant Cole gave a report on run numbers for the month.  
Mr. Paveglio asked about an invoice to replace locks.  Ed Millette said that a lock was cut off of a student’s locker.  The locks and combinations have been changed.

Highway:  Jim Plunkett reports that the winter sand is in.  He had about 200 yards left over from last year.  The plow trucks are ready for winter and the sanders are being calibrated.  The Durgin Road extension should be complete by the end of the week.  The Highway department did some work at the cemeteries.  There is a house that is catching run off from route 4. Jim feels this will create a safety issue with ice.  He is going to install a culvert.  

Mr. Paveglio asked about the summer fund which is about $43K overspent.  Jim explained that he anticipates being about 50K under spent in two other lines to make up the difference.  Mr. Paveglio asked if Jim could communicate with the Selectmen prior to overspending, especially a large amount, in the future.

Mr. Paveglio mentioned again that he would like to see the overtime directly accounted for on the time sheets.

Mr. Jordan said that someone came to him with a concern about some of the fabric on the Durgin Road Ext. coming up.  Mr. Pike was present when this was discussed.  He went out to the Road and reported back that he did see the area of concern and will contact the contractor in the morning.

Food Pantry:  Donna Chagnon purchased a 3.2 cubic foot refrigerator for the food pantry.  The cost was $72.02.  The Selectmen are seeking donations for the refrigerator.
The applications for Holiday Food Baskets are due in by November 23rd.

Amy Troy
Amy Troy from Chichester Massage said the food drive went well.  She asked the Selectmen for permission to use her temporary sign for the toys for tots drive.  It would be through December 18th.  The Selectmen agreed.

Other Business

Davis Road:  After taking all information into consideration Selectmen Jordan and Paveglio signed a previously drafted letter directing Mr. Stevens to the ZBA.  

Signs 4 Jesus:  Mr. Paveglio reported to the other Selectmen what happened at the ZBA hearing for Signs 4 Jesus.  There was evidence presented that the public hearing was improperly posted.  Therefore the ZBA felt there was no need for a variance and it is back to the Planning Board.  There was a discussion regarding safety.  

RFP:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to award the 2010 Town Report printing to Select Print Solutions for the quoted price of $4.18/book.  Motion passes.

Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the 2011 assessing contract to Certified New Hampshire Assessing Services at $35/hour; $30/pickup; and $50/hour for appeals (yearly estimate is $6,736 plus any appeals).  Motion passes.

Food Pantry:  The Selectmen received a letter from the Loudon Food Pantry.  They wanted to discuss the letter with Donna Chagnon.   Donna was given an opportunity to read the letter.  After reading the letter she opted to discuss it in public session.  The Loudon Food Pantry said that Donna is objecting to them serving Chichester residents.  Donna explained her reasons.  She said if the number of clients that she serves here goes down then her food allotment also goes down.  There was a lengthy discussion.  Donna said she understood the Selectmen’s wishes.  It seemed the Selectmen are in favor of allowing our residents to get the items they need if not from our food pantry then from Loudon’s.  Nancy asked that since the Town has taken over the bookkeeping for the food pantry that any prior records be turned into the Town office.  

Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio to accept and authorize the expenditure of unanticipated funds in the amount of $330.00 received from St. Stephens Episcopal Church, Wanda & Scott Clarkson, and an anonymous donor in support of the food pantry.  Motion passes.

Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) to enter into a nonpublic session to discuss a personnel matter.  Motion passes.

Mr. DeBold made a motion at 9:17 seconded by Mr. Jordan pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 to exit the nonpublic session.  Motion passes.
The minutes from the nonpublic session were sealed indefinitely.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:25pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio